Flower image Flower image


Disley & District Flower Club is affiliated to NAFAS, the National Association of Flower Arrangement Societies. NAFAS is the official organisation of the flower arrangement movement in the British Isles. It is a voluntary organisation which works to promote a wider interest in flower arranging, gardening, horticultural knowledge and in related artistic and educational subjects. Approximately 1500 clubs and societies are affiliated to the National Association through Area Associations. NAFAS is affiliated with the Royal Horticultural Society, specialist flower societies and other flower arrangement and horticultural societies overseas.

NAFAS can be contacted at: The National Association of Flower Arrangement Societies
Osborne House,
12 Devonshire Square,
Tel: 020 7247 5567 Fax: 020 7247 7232

Or at www.nafas.org.uk